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The World in a Weekend Travel Podcast

Jan 14, 2018

Season 2 is here and we're back with more of the same. 

Our travel news is that you'd shed could be the top restaurant in London (2 mins 30 secs)

Our itinerary is an guide to how to spend a decadent weekend in Monaco, the playground of the rich and famous, but people from Monaco (5 mins 30 secs)

And we kick off season 2...

Jan 8, 2018

Episode 10 is probably our most random and senseless episode ever…
Our travel news is essentially a tip about how to smuggle a pig or horse onto a plane for free. (2 mins 14 secs)
Our itineraries sections debates how to spend a weekend in Transnistria: Anon-fictional country that’s also a slightly fictional...

Sep 21, 2017

This week:

Skymall: the in flight magazine aimed at people at their very worst: 3 mins 30 secs

Argentina: We finally talk about a country you might be interested in visiting! 6 mins 45 secs

The Blue Lagoon: Iceland's not so secret giant hot tub party: 13 mins 45 secs

We tell how to get a free holiday in our travel tips...

Sep 17, 2017

This Week on the World in a Weekend Travel Podcast we get DANGEROUS!

After the usual opening ramblings we look at the recent spike of selfie related deaths... including someone dying trying to get a selfies of themselves on some train tracks with a train in the background whilst the train was moving towards them... 2...

Sep 4, 2017

We're back! After a bout with Dengue Fever, the podcast is once again doing it's thing and talking about a lot of random travel related stuff. 

On today's menu:

Amuse Bouche: Tim crashes and burns attempting a freestyled intro

Travel news: Complete nonse (2 mins)

Itineraries: Tim tries to convice you to visit the...